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Hello Readers,

Moving the blog to a self hosted site was a difficult decision….especially for a technophobe like myself. But, it was well worth it I think.

No, it wasn’t just about the looks :).It was about the substance too. It was about creating a site that’s easy to navigate for children and adults and the ability to add content in interesting ways.

Plus owning the space means no one can slip in those annoying ads which would pop up without warning. Hurray!

I hope the transition has been smooth for most of you.

Those of you who had subscribed via email and ‘followed’ on WordPress.com should still be getting the notifications.

However, I can see that follower numbers have plummeted from over 200 to under 50. Looks like I have lost many of you in transit. WordPress tells me my site won’t show Facebook and Twitter followers so I can only hope you are still out there. Perhaps you will care to subscribe in the future?

Should you encounter any issues, please post in comments and I will try to fix them.

Or, simply let me know what you think of the new site. I would love to hear from you.
